Thursday 6 September 2012

Robo Writing

A Robo Writing For U

How do u feel when some robo is writing for u ,it would be awesome .... So try this code ,the robo will write for u

Step 1 : Open Notepad and copy this code in it

Code :  

Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "Notepad"
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "H"       
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "I"
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "A"
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "B"
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "H"
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "I"
wscript.sleep 400

Step  2  : Now save it as " robo.vbs" & see the magic ......

                   save as the file  :-mahesh.vbs and nexi delete this line onely

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